

Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Brim Fell~

A featured fell is my way of studying each fell in turn and recording thoughts and observations.

In the days before I was counting up the "Wainwrights" I will have walked over Brim Fell more than once without realising it was a separate fell. To the uninitiated, it's just part of Consiton Old Man. However both BF and COM are two of the seven Consiton Fells given the full treatment by AW.

Brim Fell

Brim Fell Summit

If you want a good look at Brim Fell, ascend from Consiton village, pass through the "Boulder Valley" and pick up the route shown on AW BF3 which takes you to Low Water and then climb onto Raven Tor before aiming for the summit of Brim Fell.

Brim Fell

Consiton Old Man (l) and Brim Fell (r)

This photo does not show the summit of Brim Fell, the peak on the right is Raven Tor.

Brim Fell

Brim Fell

This shows the ridge from Consiton Old Man to Brim Fell (centre) and Swirl How further away.

Brim Fell

Brim Fell

~ On a cold day, 13th February 2010 ~

Molly Brim Fell

Molly on top of Brim Fell 19th May 2018

Where: Southern A "Coniston" Fell.

Height: 2611ft.

Suggested Route: Coniston Village, Low Water, Raven Tor, Brim Fell

My Frequency: Several.

Whilst You're There: Swirl How

Walk Dates: with links to Reports (on this website) where applicable:

19/05/18 17/12/16 13/09/14 28/02/13 14/11/11 13/11/11 06/11/10 13/02/10 18/03/09

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe ©

Take me home....